
从商业包装到移动设备, 杂志和书籍, 商标及标志, 到网站和物理环境, the diversity of design 实践 is reflected in the program of design studies offered at Metropolitan State University of 丹佛.

通信设计 皇冠官网网站用这个术语来定义皇冠官网网站的项目吗.

Communication is the most fundamental human act and 通信设计 expresses the fusion of semantics, 语用学, 以及皇冠官网网站的程序所包含的语法.

在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校, 通信设计 is part of a professional education that emphasizes oral, 写, 以及视觉交流. 这种方法, 再加上完善的研究策略, 实践, 以及视觉研究, gives students the opportunity to engage in a broad spectrum of today’s design 实践.


  1. 基本设计原理
  2. 学科的传统
    • 历史/理论
    • 策略
    • 研究
  3. 交互式的、基于时间的内容

密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 通信设计 program challenges students to become informed, thinking designers.

作为这个项目的学生, 你将首先学习如何使用排版, 图像, 空间, and time to communicate ideas and create narratives or stories. You will expand on these fundamentals in intermediate studies, where you will engage in design problem-solving through critical inquiry and 研究. 在高级水平, you will explore a wide range of design endeavors in projects that satisfy your personal 利益 as well as those that connect you with the 丹佛 design community and industry beyond the classroom.

通过具体的课程,融合语义, 语用学和语法, students discover how to design for the people and contexts that require communication while learning to craft effective and culturally appropriate messages in a broad range of design media. The program positions five pedagogical pillars as significant to our mission: making meaning, 进一步发展功能, 追求的过程, 中介信息, 培养形式. These pillars are underscored by a contemporary 实践 that integrates design fundamentals with emerging media, 研究, 和历史/理论. As a design student, you will come to rely upon these critical aspects in your coursework and beyond. These are the very tools of the discipline that will enable you to be a successful designer.


Our 密歇根州立大学丹佛 通信设计 graduates find employment across diverse sectors within the design industry, showcasing their versatile skills and creativity in various professional avenues:

  • 创意总监
  • 艺术总监
  • 视觉设计师
  • 产品设计师
  • 数字产品经理
  • UX / UI设计师
  • 网页设计师
  • Web开发人员
  • 运动的设计师
  • 平面设计师
  • 生产的艺术家
  • 制片设计师 & 经理
  • 印前技术人员
  • 沟通协调 & 经理
  • 对外联络部主任
  • 插画家
  • 品牌设计师
  • 环境平面设计师





All students entering the 艺术系 as majors are admitted under either the B.A. 在艺术或B.A. 艺术史,理论和批评. After completing the foundation courses and one other course in ART, cd, 或分, 那些希望攻读B的人.F.A. 解析:选B。.F.A. 艺术教育,或B.F.A. in 通信设计 will be required to pass a formal portfolio review for admittance.



The 通信设计 program is housed in the Central Building, 在Auraria校园的东南侧. Here you will find approximately 4000 square feet of state-of-the-art digital technology, 工作室和讲座空间, 印刷及生产设施, 以及教职员办公室. This design hub offers the functions of a professional design studio. 作为一名学生, you will be free to work in any number of 空间s based on your needs, 利益, 课程作业要求, and thus have the opportunity to build a spirit of collaboration with other students in your discipline.

The studio features a design library and gallery for student reference; for in-depth 研究 needs, 奥瑞瑞亚图书馆就在一栋楼之外. A collaborative learning lab features innovative strategies for team-based collaboration on design projects. An integrated print studio boasts an 1895 Columbia and Mitchell tabletop platen-press, 和范德库克3号. 作为一名学生 you will be able to work with faculty and/or trained studio assistants to produce a variety of printed ephemera. The historical significance of printing with movable type will connect you with your studies in design history and typography, 在其他科目中.

Emphasizing the connection between history and modern technology, 数据投影仪 and white boards are strategically positioned in teaching 空间s to allow for project demonstration and group critique of work. 当面对生产设计解决方案时, you will have at your disposal industry-standard color and black-and-white laser printers as well as a large-format archival printer. These in-house options will make it easy for you to make your design solutions a reality very quickly. Additional resources in the studio include video and still digital cameras, 麦克风, 三脚, 数据投影仪, 和耳机, 所有可用于学生结帐.



The 通信设计 Suite is located in Central Classroom, Suite 311.

The 艺术系 office is located in AR 187 on the Auraria Campus.

CN311G办公时间 & 开放的工作室


为齿轮检查,打印,和技术人员的支持. 上门服务,无需预约. 演播室助理的工作时间可能会有所变化. 请检查门的时间表以确认时间.

星期一: 下午11点至12:15,下午2点至5点
星期三: 下午11点至12:15,下午2点至5点
星期五: 10 – 4pm


上门服务,无需预约. 开放 studio is for the purpose of using 通信设计 空间 and equipment to do your course work. Use the printer and have access to cd-specific software on the cart laptops. Ask a cd Studio Assistant in G, if you need to use a laptop from the cart.

星期一: 11 – 12:15pm
星期三: 11 – 12:15pm
星期五: 10 – 4pm





(电子邮件保护) 303-615-0102



(电子邮件保护) 303-615-0188


Associate 教授-传播设计 Program Coordinator

(电子邮件保护) 303-615-1437



(电子邮件保护) 303-615-0879
