
The 密歇根州立大学丹佛 职业同伴导师计划 is a year-long program designed to provide undergraduate students who opt-in, personalized peer-to-peer career guidance to assist them in their career readiness while at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. Participants will be assigned to a Career Peer Mentor (CPM) who is a C2Hub Morgridge Peer Mentor specifically trained to support students regardless of where they’re at in their career journey. This is a great opportunity no matter whether a student is looking to explore different career fields, 了解职业资源, or searching to land an internship or job opportunity.  

To opt-in and receive a Career Peer Mentor for the 2024-25 AY, please complete this form. You will receive a follow-up email from the Morgridge 同伴指导 Program once your form has been reviewed and accepted into the program. **This program will kick-off again during the Fall Semester and is only available for undergraduate students**

For any questions or to learn more about this opportunity, students can stop by our office at Tivoli 223 or email (电子邮件保护).


Schedule a meeting 与 your Career Peer Mentor. Make sure to select your assigned peer mentor's name from the drop-down menu.



这个项目的指导是 分为三(3)键 职业规划的阶段探索,参与,提升. 视情况而定我 阶段 a student is at, they will receive personalized guidance to ensure their progression. Career Peer Mentors are trained to help connect students to different campus resources and 与in the C2 Hub. Below are some examples of topics and steps that participants will receive assistance :


学生 in the explore phase will work 与 their Career Peer Mentor on tasks such as selecting a major, 了解职业, 进行职业评估, attending career-related events and more!



学生 in the engage phase will work 与 their Career Peer Mentor on developing skills and habits required for their industry, 写简历或求职信, learning about interviewing strategies and more!



学生 in the elevate phase will work 与 their Career Peer Mentor on topics such as networking, 最后确定工作申请材料, 并引导求职过程!



CPM Program participants will be added to a Pathways in Career Link where they will be able to track their program progression. In order to earn their certificate of completion and program incentives, students must complete the following expectations each semester:  


  • Meet 与 assigned CPM at least two (2) times throughout the semester 
    • 9月/ 10月一次
    • 10月/ 11月一次
  • Attend one (1) 从教室到就业中心 (C2Hub) Event
  • Utilize one (1) of the following C2 Hub Services:
    • Schedule a Career 咨询 or Advising Appointment 
    • 访问 the C2 Hub Career Lab and speak to a Career Advisor
    • 在VMOCK中提交和更新简历 

学生的经验 in Career 同伴指导


Awesome program and glad that I was able to be a part of this program. I would highly recommend it to other students. This program helped me keep myself accountable for my academics and I am on track to graduate.

– Caree (Career Peer Mentor Participant) 


My Career Peer Mentor was really helpful on trying to connect me 与 resources offered on campus that were really helpful, She would always receive me 与 a happy, 快乐的, positive behavior wh我 was really contagious and made me feel more comfortable to share 与 her my weaknesses and strengths 与 school. I genuinely enjoyed my meetings 与 her.

– Valeria (Career Peer Mentor Participant)

密歇根州立大学丹佛 mascot, Rowdy giving a double thumbs-up in front of JSSB.

My Career Peer Mentor always had an answer to every question or need I had and if she didn’t she would make sure to find an answer and always follow up 与 me. She also always offered to go 与 me to any of the resources in case I wasn’t sure exactly where to go or just for support. 最重要的是, I always felt a genuine connection 与 her and she made me feel like I was talking to a friend and I never felt judged or embarrassed to ask for the help I needed, I think that this is so rare to find now in days and just really appreciated the kindness and attention to detail in my times of need. I didn’t know what to expect from my CPM but she truly exceeded my expectations.

– Angelica (Career Peer Mentor Participant)